- 汉字㩱
- 拼音jué
- 首字母j
- 部首手
- 注音
- 部首笔划3
- 总笔画21
- 繁体字
- 字体结构
- 造字法
- 86五笔RELF
- 98五笔RELF
- UniCode3A71
- 四角号码52046
- 仓颉QBWI
to select; to choose; to pick out, to lift; to carry on the shoulders -- of two or more men, to wipe out, to brush over lightly, to carry; to take or bring along at one's convenience, to cut; to par; to trim; to shave
【卯集中】【手字部】㩱 ·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:18