- 汉字䕷
- 拼音mí
- 首字母m
- 部首艸
- 注音
- 部首笔划6
- 总笔画23
- 繁体字
- 字体结构
- 造字法
- 86五笔AYSI
- 98五笔AOSI
- UniCode4577
- 四角号码44293
- 仓颉TIDF
a kind of plant; putchuck, the root of a species of thistle found in Cashmere; roseleaf raspberry (Rubus rosaefolius var. Coronarius)
a kind of plant; putchuck, the root of a species of thistle found in Cashmere; roseleaf raspberry (Rubus rosaefolius var. Coronarius)