- 汉字㷼
- 拼音yàn
- 首字母y
- 部首火
- 注音
- 部首笔划4
- 总笔画16
- 繁体字
- 字体结构
- 造字法
- 86五笔AUKO
- 98五笔AKUO
- UniCode3DFC
- 四角号码44809
- 仓颉TLPF
(standard form of 燕) a swallow, comfort; ease; to soothe (interchangeable 晏) to feast; to enjoy, name of a certain feudal States
(standard form of 燕) a swallow, comfort; ease; to soothe (interchangeable 晏) to feast; to enjoy, name of a certain feudal States