- 汉字㬴
- 拼音hǒng
- 首字母h
- 部首月
- 注音
- 部首笔划4
- 总笔画10
- 繁体字
- 字体结构
- 造字法
- 86五笔EAWY
- 98五笔EAWY
- UniCode3B34
- 四角号码74281
- 仓颉BTC
the moon is dimmed; darkness, the word used especially by Triad Society ( a secret society during the Ching Dynasty dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchus and the restoration the Manchus and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty, the character means the same as 月
【辰集上】【月字部】㬴 ·康熙筆画:10 ·部外筆画:6