艾菲尔铁塔(Eiffel tower)英语手抄报图片及内容
归属:英语 时间:2022-05-25 来源:网络
he Eiffel Tower in Paris was built in 1889 for the Universal Exhibition. Standing 300metres high, it was the tallest man-made structure>The>The Eiffel Tower was always massively popular with the public, but>The writer Guy de Maupassant detested it so much that he had lunch in the tower restaurant as>Two million people visited the Eiffel tower in its first year and it became ever more popular as the years went by. Looking at the tower became just as important as looking from the tower. Slowly the Eiffel Tower became the pre-eminent symbol>Hitler promised to destroy it, but resistance fighters flew the tricolour from the tower while American tanks were still engaging Panzer tanks in the streets below. Today tourists still flock to the tower, and terrorists threaten to bomb it. The tower has transcended its physicality to become a great human symbol. See more information about how to Visit Eiffel Tower.
Viewed from a distance,>Moving closer, you begin to resolve the detailed structure, the massive base and the countless rivets that hold the whole thing together.
Eiffel produced more than 14,000 square feet>The erection>Eiffel>The structure>Every tower must stand up to wind.>Upon completion, the Eiffel Tower replaced the Washington Monument as the tallest structure in the world. Visitors to the tower can reach the summit but require the use of elevators beyond the second floor. In windy conditions, the tower sways between six to seven centimeters. Millions of people visit it each year. Find out more Eiffel Tower Interesting Facts.
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