归属:清明节2 时间:2022-05-25 来源:网络
清明节是一个特殊的日子,在这一天生者为他们死去的亲朋献上敬意。(Tomb-Sweeping Day falls on April 4th or 5th. This is a special day for the living to show their love and respect for dead friends and relatives.)每逢清明时节,中国人会去扫墓祭祖,在祖先坟前献上祭品、鲜花,烧些纸钱。有的人还会写悼文,缅怀逝去的亲人。
说到“纸钱”,英语中是怎么表述的呢?大家可能第一时间想到的就是paper money。不过字面上它是“纸钱”的意思,实际上paper money的意思是“纸质货币”,与metal money(金属货币)相对应,不是烧给死者的纸钱噢!那么,烧给死者的“纸钱”怎么表达呢?可以用joss paper或hell bank notes表示。
除了传统的祭祀方式,近年来,“绿色祭扫”逐渐成为人们扫墓的一种新趋势。不仅经济环保,还避免了烧纸钱等传统方式带来的火灾隐患。“绿色祭扫”的方式有很多,如网上祭扫(online tomb-sweeping)和网络纪念馆(Internet memorial)等。
扫墓 grave
At the Qingming Festival (Tomb-Sweeping Day), people usually worship their ancestors by burning incense and paper money at their ancestors' grave sites. People show respect to their ancestors by visiting their graves, and offering food, wine, flower, etc. They sweep the tombs, removing weeds, and adding fresh soil to the graves, stick willow branches on the tomb, and burn paper money. They pray before their ancestors' graves and beseech them to bless their families. However, the custom has been greatly simplified today, especially in cities, where only flowers are presented to the dead.
荡秋天 On the Swings
This is the qingming festival custom in ancient China. Swing, ie, ripping up the leather rope and migration. Its history is very old, the first call and consent, in order to avoid taboo, after change it as a swing. Ancient tree swing multi-purpose YaZhi for frame, bolt ribbons made again. Then gradually developed to use two rope and a pedal swing. Swing can not only improve health, but also can cultivate the spirit of brave, for people, especially children's favorite.
Play not only improves the health swing, and can cultivate the brave spirit, tonow is people, especially children's favorite.
A ball is bowed, ball with leather skinmade, the ball inside with wool plugged. A game called cuju, which is withenough to play football. This is ancient tomb-sweeping day's favorite when a game.Legend has it that the invention of the yellow emperor, original purpose isused to train warrior.
A ball is bowed, ball with leather skinmade, the ball inside with wool plugged. A game called cuju, which is withenough to play football.
插柳 Insert willow
It is said that the work of the customs, is to commemorate the "leisure farm" of farming father of the emperor shen nung. In some places, people placed willow branches under the eaves, to predict the weather. Tomb-sweeping day is the "willow green, rain receive; the wicker dry, sunny days". Huang Chao uprising rules, to "for the tomb-sweeping day, Dai Liu to date". After a failed uprising, the custom of Dai Liu gradually be eliminated, only liu fixture. Willow has strong vitality, as the saying goes: "many hair, accidentally a remarkable." Wicker soil lived, where, where to live, year after year, colorful everywhere.
Qingming festival work Dai Liu has a saying: the original Chinese to the tomb-sweeping day, half July and October back to three Halloween, beg suo is haunted by a ghost. People in order to prevent the intrusion of ghost persecuted, and willow Dai Liu. Willow has the function of to ward off bad luck in people's mind. Influenced by Buddhism, willow were thought to ghost, and call it "ghost some wood", the goddess of mercy to switch touch water to degrees of living beings. In the northern wei jia sixie qimin yaoshu said: "take willow branches on the door, a ghost does not enter the house." On the occasion of the willow germination time, the tomb-sweeping day is Halloween, people naturally have inserted liu Dai Liu to ward off bad luck.
蚕花会 Silkworm flower show
Silkworm flower show "silkworm flower show" is a kind of unique folk culture of silkworm township, in the past during the qingming festival, wutong springs, wuzhen, chung fu, state and other places have the folk activities. In which continent springs Ma Ming temple and bluestone ShuangMiao the silkworm flower is the most wonderful grand. Springs west Ma Ming temple is located in the state, in the local has the "king of the house," said, silkworm flower people mountain people sea, every year, one to meet silkworm god, shaking the clippers, eventually leaves, worship the stool, boxing, dragon lantern, become warped high pole, singing opera and so on more than ten activities. Some of these activities on shore, the vast majority of on board ship, water features extremely. Silkworm flower wuzhen incense city activities in recent years, only to meet silkworm god, stepping white ship, become warped a few projects such as the high pole, great potential.
牵钩 Pull hook
"Pull hook" is called, in fact, the modern tug-of-war sport. It is said that in the spring and autumn, in order to attack chu wu to hook the movement to improve people's physical fitness. It is primarily a rope, two head is divided into many small line, game, with a banner for the world, commanded, each pull rope, the music is, everywhere cheer both sides up, a lively group.
- 推荐阅读
清明节缅怀先烈主题手抄报优秀作品-图6 清明节缅怀先烈主题手抄报优秀作品-图6
中国风清明节手抄报简单又漂亮(10张)-图5 中国风清明节手抄报简单又漂亮(10张)-图5
清明节手抄报绘画好看简单字少(10张)-图8 清明节手抄报绘画好看简单字少(10张)-图8
“文明祭扫 平安清明”主题手抄报简单又漂亮(9张)-图6 “文明祭扫 平安清明”主题手抄报简单又漂亮(9张)-图6
清明节手抄报绘画好看简单字少(10张)-图7 清明节手抄报绘画好看简单字少(10张)-图7
“传统节日之美——清明节” 手抄报
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- 加菲猫
- 精灵宝可梦
- 极速蜗牛
- kitty猫
- 口袋妖怪
- 旅行青蛙
- 美人鱼
- 美少女战士
- 皮卡丘
- 忍者神龟
- 闪电狗
- 托马斯小火车
- 汪汪队
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- 海底两万里
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- 垃圾分类
- 狼图腾
- 劳动节2
- 雷锋2
- 历史2
- 论语
- 骆驼祥子
- 绿色环保
- 母亲节2
- 强国有我请党放心
- 清明节2
- 全国爱耳日
- 生物
- 世界气象日
- 世界水日
- 食品
- 数学
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- 元宵节1
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