◎ 心电感应 xīndiàn gǎnyìng
[Some people believe that the deads still have consciousness and can make interactions to the living person's spirit and mood] 旧时有人认为,人死后心灵还有知觉,能与活人的精神、心情交相感应
心电感应有道。——清· 林觉民《与妻书》
◎ 心电感应 xīndiàn gǎnyìng
[Some people believe that the deads still have consciousness and can make interactions to the living person's spirit and mood] 旧时有人认为,人死后心灵还有知觉,能与活人的精神、心情交相感应
心电感应有道。——清· 林觉民《与妻书》